Head Settings
Head Race Setup
The first stage of configuring a head race is to populate the overall settings for the competition in preparation for importing crews from BROE.
The Setup Dashboard, Tools -> Setup , shows an overview of the current settings for the competition. After initial competition creation there will be no custom settings. The competition will run perfectly well without any customisations but in practice some features may be limited.
To access any of the configuration topics click on the title of the appropriate subsection header.
Once configuration has been done the screen will show the current settings and where appropriate the settings can be accessed by clicking on the individual item or by accessing full setting section.
Head Meeting Settings
The Meeting Settings, Tools -> Setup -> Meeting Settings , screen allows setting of various configuration options for the meeting.
- Summary Name
The title used in summary reports. This will often be set to the normal meeting title. If not set then no title is displayed in the reports.
- Head Draw Method
The choice of method for performing a head race draw:
Simplistic - A very simplistic order with larger boats before smaller boats. Then within a boat type Senior, Junior, Masters, Para and Adaptive crews in order sub-categorised by age. Crews within an event are group together and the order within the event is random.
Simplistic with Pri order - Using the simplistic order for events and then crews within an event are ordered according to PRI with highest points starting first.
Event order - The draw is ordered according to the event ordering, Entries -> Event Order ). Crews within an event are ordered randomly.
Event then Pri order - The draw is ordered according to the event ordering, Entries -> Event Order ). Crews within an event are ordered according to PRI with highest points starting first.
Where a random order is used the order is consistent within a competition using cryptographic primitives to generate the sort key using crew information to seed the primitives. This sort key is then used to sort the crews into what is effectively a random order.
- Prize Number To Enter
For Prize Rules, Timing -> Overall -> Preparation -> Edit Prize Rules ), the default number of crews to enter an event for it to be eligible for a prize. In absence of this setting prize rules default to 3 crews to enter.
- Prize Number To Race
For Prize Rules, Timing -> Overall -> Preparation -> Edit Prize Rules ), the default number of crews to race in event for it to be eligible for a prize. In absence of this setting prize rules default to 2 crews to race.