Head Race Draw

Head Race Draw Summary.

Head Race Draw Summary

Draw Method

There are four built-in automatic draw methods. These differ slightly in how they work but generally each first orders crews by event and then orders crews within that event. Where CRI banding is used each band is drawn separately.

  • Simplistic - Order events in a simplistic order placing larger boats earlier within the start order. Within each event crews are placed in a random order.

  • Simplistic with PRI Order - Order events in the same simplistic order as the pure simplistic version. Within each event crews are ordered in PRI order with the highest PRI crew starting first.

  • Event Order - Order events in the event order defined for the competition. Within each event crews are placed in a random order.

  • Event Order with PRI Order - Order event in the event order defined for the competition. Within each event crews are ordered in PRI order with the highest PRI crew starting first.

In general we suggest either the Event Order with PRI Order or Event Order draw method is chosen.

Note that the random order is cryptographically determined to produce a consistent draw order if the draw is repeated. Various aspects of the crew information are fed into a cryptographic hash function and the hash is then used to order crews. Note that some input to the hash function is hidden from clubs/users to stop anyone attempting to manipulate the hash output.

The draw method is set via Tools -> Setup -> Meeting Settings and setup the Head Draw Method setting as desired.

Draw Preparation

Before an automatic draw operation can be performed the following pre-requisites should be completed:

Once the above is completed an automatic draw can be performed.

Automatic Draw

Auto-draw Division.

Auto-draw Division.

The automated draw feature uses the draw method policy to arrange crews into a start-order matching that policy. The draw can be done on a per-division or full competition basis.

  • Full competition is done by selecting the Draw Head Starting Order as part of the BROE Quick Import process.

  • Per division can either be accessed by selecting the division from the Draw Head Starting Order Detailed Import or by selecting the same from the Timing -> Preparation menu.

    To perform the draw click the confirm box and then press Draw Division. Note that any manual changes that previously existed in the start order will be removed once the draw is performed.

Manual Draw and Adjustments

Manual Head-Race Draw.

Manual Head-Race Draw.

Manual adjustments are required to pretty much any draw. These can easily be performed and indeed a full manual draw is quite possible via Timing -> Preparation -> Arrange Full Start Order Draw .

The screen is divided into a number of areas:

  • Unassigned crews in the top bar. These are crews that have not been assigned to a specific division and hence which need placing before the draw is complete.

  • Divisions with each division in a separate column. The crews within each column represent the current start-order for that division.

The general operation is to drag and drop individual crews into the desired location.

  • Unassigned to End of Division - drag an unassigned crew onto the Add button to add a crew to the end of a division.

  • Unassigned to Specific Position - drag an unassigned crew into a specific position within a division to add it to that location.

  • Assigned to Another Division/Location - drag an already assigned crew to another location if a change is required.

Note that once crew numbers are assigned a change in the start-order is perfectly possible and the previous crew number will be kept.

Unassigned Crew End of Division.

Unassigned Crew to End of Division.

Unassigned Crew to Specific Position.

Unassigned Crew to Specific Position.