Boating Locations and Times

Boating Locations on Setup Dashboard.
Boating locations and boating times are provided to aide the smooth running of a competition. They are, however, purely optional regarding the timing and generation of results for the competition.
Boating locations capture the planned/required place where crews must boat from. That coupled with boating times ensures that the boating process is smooth and that the race can start at the planned time.
Location Setup

Boating Locations Screen.
Boating locations are identified by a short alpha-numeric code and then by a name/label. The space on the draw is limited for these so it is important to ensure that they are concise to fit on the reports. View/Edit boating locations via the Tools -> Setup menu but specifically at the Tools -> Setup -> Boating Locations page.
To edit a location click on the location code and then edit the label on the screen.

New Boating Location.
To add a new location click Add New and fill in both the code and label. Once complete click Save to complete the addition operation.
Location Assignment

Boating Location/Times Menu.
Boating locations and times can be viewed/edited in a number of different ways via the Timing -> Preparation menu. Each are viewed/edited on a per-division basis. Within the division they can be viewed:
covering all boating locations;
on a per-location basis; and
showing only crews without a boating location assigned. This is often useful when filling in landing stages initially.
All of the above can either be viewed in a start-order basis or ordered by club to make assignment of the same location for each club possible.
Note that it is perfectly possible to assign boating times without boating locations. This would be the situation when all crews boat from a single landing and it saves a few minutes to add in the same data for each crew.

No Boating Details Assigned.
Initially no boating details will be assigned. In this situation it may make sense to assign locations using the club sorted screens.

Setting Boating Location.
Click the boating location label to popup the location chooser. Assign a location and then confirm that choice.
Pro-tip. It is possible to quickly assign locations using a combination of mouse and keyboard. Click on the next entry to set then use the down arrow key the appropriate number of times for the appropriate location. Then click on the next entry and repeat - the software will automatically approve and save the previous entry when opening a new entry.
Boating Times

Ready to Enter Boating Times.
Boating times are best added on a per-location basis. Whilst the logistics are a per-competition decision we tend to favour the use of a system where we decide how many boats of a particular size can boat within a certain timeframe. Then we start from the last boating time and work backwards putting an appropriate number of boats at each time until all boats have been allocated a time.

Setting Boating Time.
Pro-tip similar to assigning boating locations it is possible to do a speed assignment of times using cut and paste. Input the first time and copy that then click on the other crews using that time and just use ctrl-v to paste. The value will be saved when you move to the next location.