Data Review/Tidy Up
The raw imported data from BROE typically needs a small amount of cleanup.
Masters Ages
Check that Masters' age categories have been correctly assigned using the Entries -> Masters Worksheet menu entry. BROE only reports current crew roster age so the imported age may not reflect the actual intended handicap age or even reflect the age when crews were baselined at close of entries.
Click on the Age Code for any that are wrong and choose the correct age code for the crew from the list that is presented.
Division Order
Divisions have two aspects that need checking via Tools -> Setup -> Timing Divisions (head races) or Tools -> Setup -> Draw Divisions (regattas) First check that a suitable code has been assigned to the division. These codes are mainly cosmetic and typically will be set to something like div1 or similar.
To edit click the division name and then change the code on the per-division editing screen. The division name can also be changed on this screen too.
The order that divisions appear can also be adjusted. To do this click on Re-Order Divisions. On this screen the divisions can be dragged and dropped to re-arrange the order. Once re-ordered any reports that contain multiple divisions will show the divisions in the new order.
Event Order
The order of events is used in a number of places:
in a regatta draw report;
when numbering events;
for head-race/timing automatic start-order placement;
in various other reports.
An initial event ordering can be setup using the Event Auto Sort functionality at Tools -> Adminstration Operations -> Sort All Events , This can be accessed in a number of different ways: from the BROE quick import function; specifically from the BROE detailed import function; or via the Tools -> Administration Options screen.
Access the Event Order screen via the Entries -> Event Order menu entry. Once on the screen the event order can be changed by drag and drop
Club Names
The club names provided by BROE sometimes require a little tweaking to fit with local style guidelines. In the case of composite crews the club names will likely need editing to make them a little shorter so that they fit into the space available in the various reports.
Three names (well four if the Twitter handle is taken into account) can be associated with a single club. Where space is limited the report will automatically choose the longest variant that will fit into the available space on the report.
To edit choose the Entries -> Club Names menu entry and then click the Edit button on the page to put the page into edit mode. Then click on individual names to bring up the edit dialog.
Pro-tip. It is possible to store your preferred names from previous competition instances and to import those in preference to the BROE variants. Ask for details on how this can be enabled.
Event Names
Event names also often require a small amount of tweaking via Entries -> Event Names , The short name is used in start-orders, running orders and similar. The full name is used in regatta draw reports. Similarly the description is a more wordy version that is used in some regatta draws.
Additional Event Details
Typically only needed for some Regatta competitions but Trophies, Previous Winners, Sponsors and long event names can be setup in addition to the basic event information that is used for head races. Visit Entries -> Event Key Information to update this data.
Crew Names
The capitalisation of crew names can sometimes require a small amount of tweaking Entries -> Crews . In particular hyphenated names or multi-word names can appear wrongly.