Roles and Meetings

BROE is built around Competitions, Meetings and User Roles.

  • A Competition is a repeating series of race Meetings that are arranged by a particular Organising Committee.

  • An individual instance of a Competition on a specific day(s) is known as a Meeting. BROE treats the meeting as an individual entity which has the lifecycle that is the primary focus of BROE.

  • Users are assigned roles as either Competition Administrators for a particular Competition and/or as Entries Administrators for a specific Club that makes entries to competitions.

Roles are either assigned by a lead Competition Administrator for Competitions or by a Club Administrator via Club Hub.


Login Screen

Login Screen.

The login screen is the first port of call for BROE users. Use your British Rowing login to access the system.


Logout Completed

Logout Completed.

The logout option is accessed via the user menu at the top right of the title bar.

Logout Menu Entry

Logout Menu Entry.

Select Role

Select Role

Select Role.

A user must select an assigned role. Any competition or club roles will be offered on this screen. This document does not cover the Club Entries Administrator role. Select an appropriate Competition role to act as an administrator for that competition.

Once selected the user will be taken to the Select competition meeting screen for choice of the specific meeting.

Select competition meeting

Competition Meetings

Competition Meetings.

By default only the latest competition meeting is shown for selection. The user can view historical BROE2 meetings by ticking the Show history checkbox or view BROE1 meetings by clicking View historical OE1 meetings.

Click the appropriate meeting row to enter the competition. Once clicked you will typically be taken to the Entries screen.

All Competition Meetings

All Competition Meetings.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions.

When visiting a meeting for the first time an administrator will be required to agree to the Terms and Conditions for access to the meeting.

Once the checkbox is ticked the Continue button will appear.

Terms and Conditions Ticked

Terms and Conditions Ticked.

After the terms and conditions are accepted this screen will not be shown again.

Version number/Changelog

Change Log

Change Log.

The change log shows the changes made in recent releases. At the time of writing the latest version is 2.6.0.