Meeting Details

Meeting Details screen

Meeting Details screen.

The Meeting Details screen contains the main setup parameters that the competition will operate within. These settings control what entries are accepted and what variations of the Rules of Racing are accepted.

Racing and entry restrictions

Racing and entry restriction

Racing and entry restrictions settings.

Boating permissions required

If ticked clubs must contact a host club and obtain agreement/permission that they will be allowed to boat from the club for the duration of the competition. This setting is typically used for the large Tideway head races.

Allow composite crews

If ticked crews may be made up from competitors from one or more clubs. Most competitions will tick this box.

Allow Non British Rowing Crews

If ticked clubs from overseas clubs (including Scotland) are allowed to enter the competition. Special arrangements are in place to allow those overseas clubs to use BROE for competition entry. The organising committee must however take steps to ensure that entries are appropriate for the events entered.

Allow seniors to cox junior crews

If ticked entries will be accepted where junior crews are coxed by a senior member. This is against the rules of racing and will only be set in very rare circumstances.

Force Additional Information entry

If ticked crews must provide additional information as configured by the competition. This allows competition organisers to collect arbitrary information that is required for the smooth operation of the competition.

Crew letter mode

Each crew may be assigned a letter by the entering club to signal the priority of each entry. This letter may be either unique within the whole meeting or unique within a specific event.

Website & Contact Information

Website & Contact Information settings

Website & Contact Information settings

Main meeting website URL

The competition website URL.

Meeting terms & conditions website URL

Additional URL for specific terms & conditions if not already covered by the main website URL.

Contact email address

The main entries email address for your competition.

Payment information

Payment information and settings

Payment information and settings

Deposit amount

An optional refundable deposit required for each crew. This would typically be used to cover returnable numbers or similar.

Accept Online Payments

When ticked BROE will accept payments on behalf of the competition via an online payment processor (currently Stripe). This includes the ability to refund any payments made online either in full or in part. This greatly simplifies the administration of the meeting but be aware that there is a payment processing fee for each payment or refund transaction. The money collected will be transferred to the competition a couple of weeks after the competition has been finalised.

In addition to receiving payments online the competition always has the option of receiving the entry fee via some other method. In this case individual crews can be marked as being paid manually via the entries screen.

Require payment online

This forces a crew to be marked as incomplete if it is not paid.

In practice this option could prove confusion to competitions who do not 100% require full payment by close of entries. Any crews that are not fully paid and hence appear incomplete can make it difficult to get a clear picture on number of entries when processing crews.

Despite what the option name might suggest the competition is still able to accept manual payments with this option ticked. The effect of this option is purely to show the entry as being incomplete on the entries screen.

Address for entry fee cheques

Option information regarding where cheque payments should be sent.

Accept electronic transfers for crew payments

When ticked provides space to record bank payment transfer details. The payment mechanism is a manual one between entering club and competition. BROE only lists the details for entering club to copy down and use.

Electronic funds transfer details

Payment Electronic funds transfer details

Notes and Other options

Notes and option options

Notes and other options


Arbitrary notes that the competition may wish to display to club entries administrators.

Suspend automatically

If ticked then the competition will automatically suspend entries when the closing date/time is reached.