Key terms and concepts used within BROE.
Entry status
Each entry can be in one of a number of states as described below. BROE2 is much more flexible than BROE1 and competition admistrators can generally reverse most state transitions to account for mistakes being made.
- Submitted
The entry has been submitted by a club and is awaiting processing by the competition administrators.
- Accepted
Signals that the competition has accepted the entry and plans to (or has) included the crew into the racing programme.
- Rejected
For crews that cannot be accommodated within the competition. The reasons for rejecting crews are varied and it is the competition that decides this but best practice is that any reason is given openly to the clubs/crews involved.
- Withdrawn
The entering club has withdrawn the entry prior to official close of entries. This entry will not be included in the official entries list and hence is not liable for entry fees or similar.
- Scratched
The entry has been withdrawn after official close of entries. These entries are classed as being included within the competition and hence are liable to pay entry fees.
- Refunded
Signals that the entry fees have been refunded in whole or part. This is the one status that cannot be reversed. Note that whilst this is included in the list of entry status values it is actually a separate payment status and a refunded crew can be in one of the states above.
Crew Status
The full crew lineup/information may not be known at the time of initial entry. In BROE1 many clubs would put incorrect information to fill the entry but this was often left uncorrected causing problems months or years later when individual crew (non-)members realised that they had received points for a race that they did not compete within. BROE2 allows entries to be made with either empty placeholder crew members or with certain missing information.
Individual competitions can decide how they will handle crews that are not fully completed. Some may disable the ability to provide incomplete information whilst others may allow it but be lenient with the provision of the information.
That said it is a requirement of the Rules of Racing that each crew is fully complete at the time entries close. Some oversubscribed competitions may choose to accept fully completed entries prior to incomplete ones.
- Completed
All required information has been provided for the crew.
- Entries with missing info
Not all of the required additional information/host clubs for the crew has been provided.
- Entries with placeholders
Some crew members have not been specified and their seats are blank within the entry.
Payment Status
BROE tracks payments made for each crew including both those made via BROE and those made directly to the competition via other payment methods.
- Unpaid
The entry has not been paid for.
- Refunded
The entry fee paid has been refunding in whole or part. This is often included within the Entry status section but is logically a payment status.
- Paid online
Paid via BROE. British Rowing will forward the money onto the competition two to three weeks after race day.
- Paid manually
Payment made externally to BROE. British Rowing is not involved in the processing of manual payments.
Ranking System
The British Rowing competition framework assigns points to each competitor based on their result in each competition that they take part in. The calculations are complex and are well beyond the scope of this document. However for competition purposes the framework is used to compute a Ranking Index for each competitor. These can then be combined to make a ranking value for each crew as follows:
Crew Ranking Index consisting of the sum of the eight most-significant race ranking points for each crew member. If a crew member has less than eight ranking points awards then only those points awarded are counted.
Crew Ranking Index MAX which adjusts the CRI of any crew that has not gained ranking points in eight competitions. CRI is adjusted by the average points score for each competition in the CRI score to make it up to eight competitions.
Colloquially the CRIMAX score can be described as CRI*8/numvalid where numvalid is the number of valid competitions within the CRI score.