Finalise Meeting

Finalise Meeting Screen.
Once racing is completed and all results have been collated, audited and uploaded successfully the competition must be Finalised to award points to the competitors and signal that no more changes are pending.

Not ready for finalisation.
If BROE is still open for either payments or substitutions and results are not fully uploaded finalisation will not be available. A message will be displayed signalling that this is the case.

Ready for finalisation.
As soon as payments and substitutions have been turned off and the results uploaded the Finalise meeting button will become available. Click this button to go to the confirmations screen.

Confirmations ticked.
A positive confirmation is required to signal that the administrator is happy that:
All crew substitutions have been recorded.
All required online refunds have been made.
All results have been uploaded into BROE.
That the administrator acknowledges that this is an irreversible action.
Once each box has been ticked the Finalise meeting button is available to complete the competition. Click the button to receive the final confirmation.

Confirm finalisation
Press OK to proceed with the finalisation.

Meeting final.
Once pressed it takes a few seconds, maybe a minute, to process things and award all competitors points. Once complete the administrator is returned to the Results screen but the meeting status breadcrumb now displays that the meeting is final.