The events screen displays the current list of configured events. The user has the option to add a single event or to add multiple events.
When events have been setup the screen displays the full list of events. Along with key information as follows:
- ID
The internal BROE event ID. This number is unique within the BROE system.
- Event code
The short form event code showing the key attributes of the event. This includes gender, status class and boat type. Click the Event code to edit the event.
- Entry fee
The entry fee for this event.
- Notes
Event notes as defined by the competition administrator.
- Number of entries
The current number of (live?) entries for the event.
- Available
Ticked if the individual event is still open for entries. The individual event may be suspended prior to official close of entries if the event becomes full.
- Division assignments
The division assignments for the event.
The user can edit the event details by clicking on the event name. This allows fields to be updated but does not allow the Category (Masters, Senior, Junior etc.) to be adjusted. If a change of category is required the event must be deleted and recreated.
Suspend Event Entries or Remove Events
When one or more events are selected by ticking the box at the left of the row two extra options will become available:
Suspended Events
Suspended events are displayed with a light red background in the list and a dark red background in the available column where a cross is shown.
When a suspended event is selected the Unsuspend events for entry button appears and pressing this will remove the suspension thus allowing clubs to make entries into the event again.