Enter Crew

Enter crew event filter screen.
The competition administrator can add crews at any time during the competition lifecycle. Care must be taken to respect the Rules of Racing but there are many situations where being able to start afresh with a crew is preferable to cleaning up an existing entry.
Note that in constrast to BROE1 an existing crew may be moved between events in different boat types/sizes (via the Entries list and View crew screens). Hence it is not always necessary to add a new crew in BROE2 when moving crews around due to lack of entries in the originally entered event.
Entering a crew is a two step process:
Select Event and Club - first the event to enter and entering club must be selected either via a filter process or via a direct list of events/clubs available;
Crew Details - then the actual crew details can be filled in.
Select Event and Club

Filtering Event and Club choices.
The full list of events is displayed for selection on the right hand side of the screen. A choice of events can be made directly from this list without any filtering applied. However it is often convenient to either: select from the Select event drop-down box at the top of the list; or to filter the list using the Category, Gender and Boat drop-downs. These filter drop-downs only display the actual Category, Gender and Boat options that are available within that specific competition.
The club is selected from the Select club drop-down where the club name can be filtered by typing a few letters of the club name.
Once a club has been selected the list of authorised club entry administrators, plus the active competition administrator, is available for selection in the Select admin drop-down. The selected admin will be associated with any crew created as if they had made the entry via the club entries portal.
Crew Details

Enter Crew Details.
The crew details provide the information about the crew itself that is required by the Competition Administrator to administer the event and to take appropriate actions as may be necessary.
Contact Information
A pre-competition and competition day contact must be entered for each crew. This is the named person to who queries regarding the crew should be directed. However that said the Club BROE Entries Admins should always be copied as a matter of good practice because they are the ones who can interact directly with BROE.
At a minimum both contacts need to have a name, one phone number and and an email address provided. If the same contact is to be used for both pre- and in- competition contacts then the Copy button can be used to transfer the pre-competition details over to the competition day details.
If the club already had an entry present within the competition then the contact details can be copied from any of the existing entries by choosing the appropriate crew in the Populate from drop-down.

Reuse contact details.
Crew Members
The rules require that each member of the crew is listed on the entry form. The screen will provide space for each crew member in the chosen boat type.
Crew members can either by populated using the drop-down list showing each member of the entering club. If the desired crew member is not present within the list this indicates that either the crew member: is not registered as a member of the entering club; does not have a current/valid British Rowing membership for the day of the competition (they may need to renew!); or they may be ineligible for the particular event entered.

Choose crew member.
If a crew member is not know when the initial entry is made then up to half of the crew can be left blank using placeholders. This is displayed as a dash "-" in the crew list. The placeholder option is always the first entry in the list of club members in the appropriate drop-down.
Do note that placeholders must be filled in with valid competitors before the official close of entries or an entry is invalid and should be rejected by the competition. In exceptional circumstances, such as those where there is a technical problem renewing membership, it may be acceptable to allow the placeholder to remain for a while after close of entries. Any exceptional circumstance must be discussed with the Race Committee Chair and a paper/electronic record trail kept recording sufficient details to identify the crew member. In no circumstances should a crew be allowed to race before any placeholders have been filled.

Choose crew member from another club.
If the crew is a composite crew then other crew members need selecting using the Add member from another club option in the list. This brings up a dialog allowing selection via British Rowing membership number or via the club list of the specific club. Any crew members entered from another club will have that club displayed in the Other club dialog.
Other Information
In addition to contact details and crew member information a few other items of information are required:
Crew Letter - a letter ranking the crew's priority in relation to other crews from the same club. There is no formal guidance as to what the letters actually mean but generally A is more important that B. Note that by default assigns the next unued letter when entering a new crew so you will often find that letters are assigned in order of data entry - you have been warned! Notes - this notes area is available for clubs to leave information with the competition. Any information recorded here can be seen by both club and competition. Competition Notes - competition specific notes. These are only seen by the competition but do be careful what is recorded in this area. Division - to indicate which division of the competition the entry relates to.
Submitting the Entry
Once complete the crew must be submitted for entry into the competition. The administrator has four options for doing this depending on the workflow that is being performed at the current point in time.
Submit crew and return to competition overview - used when a single crew is being entered. After entering the crew the display returns to the Entries screen.
Submit crew and enter another crew from the same club into the same event - after submission is complete the display immediately goes back to the enter crew screen without having to select event and club.
Submit crew and enter another crew from the same club into a different event - similar to the above but populate the club details but allow selection of a different event.
Submit crew and enter another crew from a different club - submit and then start the event/club selection from scratch.
If any of the required details are missing, invalid or would cause the entry to break the Rules of Racing a warning box will be displayed showing the rule violation. The competition administrator has the option to correct the details or can press an override button to force the change though. Needless to say the override button should only be used in situations where the violation has been okayed by the Race Committee Chair.