Additional information

Additional Information screen with per-club questions showing.

Additional Information screen with per-club questions showing.

Competition organisers may configure BROE to collect additional information on either a per-crew or a per-club basis. The data collected can be whatever the competition sees fit examples may include: number of trailers being brought; expected arrival time of the trailers; experience levels for crews; or similar. Another use may be to request interesting information about a crew for commentary purposes.

The requested information can be set up to be a mandatory part of entering a club/crew in the competition or it can be optional.

Once collected the additional information appears in the Club entry summary and "Club crew entry forms* reports along with appearing as additional columns in the Clubs and Crews CSV/XLSX output files on the Data Export screen.

Note additional information questions can only be added/modified prior to opening for entries. Once entries are open the questions are fixed.

Per-crew information

Per-crew information

Per-crew information display.

The per-crew information part of the screen shows by default when navigating to this location. Click on the Per-crew additional information title to expand the section if it is not already showing.

To add a new item click on the Add additional information button and the information dialog will pop up.

Adding per-crew information

Adding per-crew information.

Each question has the following attributes.


A name/title that is displayed alongside the question.


A number of different question types are available to collect answers in specific formats. These formats are described below.


The question may be marked as mandatory to force the question to be answered for each crew it applies to.

Help text

Help text can be provided to give the club entries administrators some guidance as to what the answer entails.


In some question formats a placeholder may be provided to display a sample answer in the background prior to an answer being provided by the admin.

Specific events

By default the per-crew information is requested for all crews. It may optionally be tied to one or more specific events as the need arises.

Per-club information

Adding per-club information

Adding per-club information.

Per-club information is only gathered for the whole club. Click on the Per-club additional information title to expand the section if it is not already showing.

To add a new item click on the per-club Add additional information button and the information dialog will pop up. This is similar to the per-crew information box although the Specific events option is not available.

Adding per-club information

Adding per-club information.

Question Types

The Type selection dialog allows the format of individual questions to be selected.

Available question types

Available question types.


Collect a single line of text. No consistency checking is performed on the text other than to enforce that it is present if the Mandatory setting is selected.

Single line text question setup

Single line text question setup.


A confirmation tickbox. If mandatory then the user is required to tick the box before the entry is marked as complete. This type of question can be used to get positive confirmation of specific, possibly safety or safeguarding, requirements over and above the standard expected by the Rules of Racing.

Tickbox question setup

Tickbox question setup.

Multi-line Text

Collect multiple lines of text. No consistency checking is performed on the text other than to enforce that it is present if the Mandatory setting is selected.

Multiple line text question setup

Multiple line text question setup.