Add Event

Add Event screen

Add Event screen.

Individual events are added using the Add Event screen. BROE allows all of the variations allowed by the Rules of Racing to be selected. These options depend on the Boat Type, Category, Sub-category, Gender and more.


An event identifier generated automatically by BROE based on the settings chosen. This identifier is not guaranteed to be unique if the competition has multiple events for the same options. The Override name can be used to provide a unique name for the event.


The boat type that will race in the event.


The competitor category. One of Senior, Masters, Junior, Adaptive and Para as defined in the Rules of Racing.


A competitor sub-category. The available values for each of these depends on the chosen Category and each scenario is shown below.


The gender of the crew. One of Open, Womens and Mixed.

Primary Event

If ticked this is a primary event as defined in the Rules of Racing.

Override name

A competition specific label for the event. This typically takes a similar form to the Identifier and may be used to disambiguate duplicate identifiers. Examples may include: Ch.8+, W.Eli.8+ and Fresh.1x.


The divisions associated with this event.

Entry fee

Event entry fee.


Free text notes for club entries administrators.

Boat Type options

Boat Type options

Boat Type options.

The full range of boat types are selectable and are available for all categories of racing.

Gender options

Gender options

Gender options.

The full range of boat types are selectable and are available for all categories of racing.

Category options

Category options

Category options.

The choice of category affects the sub-category options that are available.

Senior sub-categories

Senior sub-category options

Senior sub-category options.

By default no senior sub-category is set corresponding to an unconstrained event. The additional sub-categories are Lightweight, Under 19, Under 23 and Under 23 Lightweight.

Junior sub-categories

Junior sub-category options

Junior sub-category options.

The junior subcategories offered are the Junior age groups from J9 up to J18 plus School/Junior.

Masters sub-categories

Masters sub-category options

Masters sub-category options.

The masters sub-categories are the Masters age groups from Masters A to Masters K.

ParaRowing sub-categories

ParaRowing sub-category options

ParaRowing sub-category options.

ParaRowing options are PR1, PR2 and PR3.

Adaptive sub-categories

Adaptive sub-category options

Adaptive sub-category options.

Adaptive options are AR1, AR2, AR3-PD, AR3-LD and AR-O.