BROE2 - unofficial manual
BROE2 is the British Rowing mandated system for managing competition entries. The focus of this manual is the competition organisers side of the system. There are comparatively few users of the competition system and it is often difficult for new users to find their way around.
This document is not produced by British Rowing and does not claim to be comprehensive. Indeed it is quite possible that a number of functions are omitted because of differing access levels to features. This document does not cover the original BROE(1) system as that is now considered obsolete and exists only for access to historical data.
Meeting Workflow
BROE is designed to aid the competition meeting organistion. The workflow is similar for both regatta and head race competitions. The key is making sure that the data in BROE is kept up-to-date and tidy.
Tour of Screens
Navigation around BROE2 is arranged around 3 top level menu headings with many sublevels below that.
- Meeting status
A summary of where a competition is within its lifecycle along with a description of the lifecycles and how a competition navigates through them.
- Meeting dates
The key dates in the planning of the competition. Namely when the competition will open for entries (start accepting) and when entries will close. Opening for entries is a manual operation and BROE has an optional feature to close entries at the planned closing date.
- Meeting details
The core administrative setup that describes the parameters that the competition will operate within. This helps to populate the club facing information exposed within BROE and also includes settings about how entry fees will be processed.
- Additional Information
Setup for information to be collected about clubs and individual crews over and above the standard event entry information.
- Divisions
Race division setup including bulk management of assignment of events to divisions. There is also functionality for suspending acceptance of entries and crew substitutions for a division.
- Events
The events offered within the competition. The core display shows an overview of every event offered including entry fees, notes, number of entries and division assignments.
- Add event
Addition of a single event.
- Add multiple events
A nifty bulk event setup page which makes it easy to setup the whole competition swiftly and consistently. This is one of the key improvements in BROE2 over BROE1 and makes setup much easier.
- Change event prices
A bulk entry price update mechanism. Another labour saver introduced in BROE2.
- Custom crew information
The ability to upload crew numbers and names as used by the competition within the draw.
At present this does not seem to be used within BROE itself. It would be nice to display this against individual crews and to allow searching by crew number to streamline competition day operation.
- Extra competition information
Competition and Entry Secretary information along with course length and water details.
- Deputy management
Management of additional users who are allowed to access the competition interface for a specific competition. This is only available to the lead administrator.
- Manage host clubs
Setup to allow the big Tideway events to indicate the clubs that are available for crews to boat from and hence to form the basis for clubs to indicate which clubs they have agreed to boat at.
- Populate from last meeting
Import meeting setup and events from the previous years competition. Note that this entry is only available as the first action in the meeting. Once any setup has been done this menu entry disappears and is no-longer available.
- Entries
The main portal for managing entries. This screen is split into 3 sections:
Summary - an overall summary of entries.
Entries - the list of entries itself.
Entries Summaries - summaries of entries by club, event and division.
- Enter crew
Crew entry by the competition organisers. This allows the organisers to override the restrictions enforced on clubs. Care should be taken that any added entries do not violate the Rules of Racing. Where there is doubt consult with your Race Committee Chair on this.
- Event bands
Setup and assignment of crews to bands within an event. This is primarily done after entries have closed following the structure of the Competition Framework.
- Event Hierarchy
Setup to link events together to form a hierarchy of events similar to banding. This is used for assigning points and builds on the banding system to allow custom hierarchies that span divisions. For instance beginners eights and championship eights can be linked together to ensure that the points for championship eights builds on the points for beginners whilst still maintaining the benefits of the division system.
- Reports / Data export
Extract information and reports for use during the draw and competition operation. There are a combination of formats designed for both manual systems and for third-party software packages, such as Oar-Online, to use.
- Full CSV Data export (.zip)
A convenience entry for the most commonly used data export format.
- Statistics
The key statistics for the meeting. This is the same information as provided in the top section of the Entries screen.
- Results
Upload and review of competition results. This screen also contains the Finalise Meeting functionality which is documented separately.
- Crew Histories
An audit trail of changes made to entries. This can be useful for working out what changed and when. Note that the audit trail for an individual crew can be found on the specific crew entry page.
- API Key
Authentication key for third party apps to access the BROE data. This is currently not generally available for use.
- Emails sent
Notification emails sent to club/competition administrators regarding changes in entries.
- Transaction summary
A summary of payments made/refunded along with BROE charges applicable to the competition. This screen is only available to the lead administrator.